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Posts Tagged Rochester Ready

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Campus Life
August 16, 2017 | 01:17 pm

Spotlight on the Campus Center

The new Campus Center combines the recently renovated Douglass Commons and Wilson Commons into a hub for River Campus organizations, activities, and programs.

topics: Campus Center, Frederick Douglass Commons, Rochester Ready, Wilson Commons,
Campus Life
August 7, 2017 | 03:02 pm

Ten tips for incoming students

You’ve moved into your residence hall, met your roommate, memorized your class schedule, and found the dining halls. . . . Now what? Students and staff members offer tips to help adjust to college life.

topics: Class of 2021, Rochester Ready,
Campus Life
July 28, 2017 | 02:40 pm

A new year is about to start. Are you ready?

As students get ready for a new school year, we’re getting ready here on campus. Here’s everything you need to know to live, learn, and play at the University of Rochester this fall.

topics: Rochester Ready,