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University News

Xerox employee honored by Public Safety for selfless action

Lieutenant Nate Dolce, Ocieka Bakou, and Public Safety Chief Mark Fischer
On the evening of April 13, at the intersection of McLean Street and Wilson Boulevard on River Campus, Ocieka Bakou, a local Xerox employee, selflessly intervened to prevent a violent crime from progressing into a possible tragedy. While driving on Wilson Boulevard, Bakou observed an altercation occurring between three males. The victim, later identified as a University of Rochester undergraduate, was observed wrestling with one male, while a third male picked up a large tree branch and attempted to strike the student. Bakou exited his vehicle and intervened in the altercation by placing himself between the combatants, while attempting to de-escalate the situation. During Bakou’s actions, a First Transit Bus operator stopped and called 911, requesting law enforcement assistance to the location. Bakou continued to push the suspect away from the victim, and eventually the two suspects fled the scene. Bakou remained with the victim until University Public Safety staff arrived, as well as helped officers identify the assailants, who were later charged with felony robbery in the second degree and grand larceny in the fourth degree. According to the commendation certificate Public Safety Chief Mark Fischer presented to Bakou: “By his courage, initiative, and decisive actions, two violent felons were removed from the streets of Rochester. Additionally Bakou quite possibly saved the life of the victim, as well as placing his own well being at risk. It is with tremendous gratitude that we extend a heartfelt thank you to Ocieka Bakou for his commendable actions.”