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Share Your Feedback

Your feedback about human subject research is important to us. Use the options described below to share your experiences, suggestions, concerns, or complaints. The Office for Human Subject Protection (OHSP) will use this information to address concerns and to improve the services OHSP provides and the University’s Human Research Protection Program (HRPP).

OHSP feedback form

Use the OHSP feedback form to share:

  • Issues, concerns or complaints concerning human subject research;
  • Input or suggestions on the services and resources OHSP provides;
  • Feedback on our performance; and/or
  • Any other comments/feedback.

Feedback may be provided anonymously, if you choose. Alternately, OHSP leadership may be contacted directly via phone or e-mail.

Visit our feedback form

Click IRB report of new information

If you are a University of Rochester study team member (faculty, staff or student with access to the Click IRB system), issues, concerns or complaints related to a research study or the conduct of research should be reported via a Report of New Information (RNI) in the Click IRB system. Learn how to create and submit an RNI in our Click IRB Study Staff Manual.

Note: Submitting concerns via RNI cannot be done anonymously. If you prefer to report a concern anonymously, please use the OHSP Feedback Form.

Log into Click IRB

Integrity helpline

The University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) Integrity Helpline is also available to report concerns related to fraud, breaches in privacy or confidentiality, information system security, conflicts of interest, and violations of professional practice standards.

Visit the Integrity Helpline page