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Admitted students can register to walk around River Campus’ outdoor spaces

The University’s guidance on campus visitors has been updated to allow admitted students the opportunity to visit River Campus by appointment to walk around its outdoor spaces. Knowing that many admitted students and their families want this on-campus experience, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions requested this exception to the visitor guidance, which currently restricts outside visitors from being on campus.

This exception for admitted students is in effect immediately and until May 3, and is only for River Campus. All admitted students must make an appointment for their River Campus visit, complete all of the required COVID health screenings, and limit their walk-around to only the campus’s outdoor areas.

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions remains closed to indoor visitors with most admissions staff working remotely and facilitating more than 50 virtual sessions for admitted students and their parents. Admitted students will be notified directly with details about how to register.