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Remote working continues in NY’s Phase 1

The Coronavirus University Response Team (CURT) was established by President Sarah Mangelsdorf in February to plan holistically for how COVID-19 may affect the entirety of the University in areas including public health matters, campus climate and care of students, travel restrictions, and enrollment and recruitment.

Now, the group and its subcommittees are transitioning from a response mission to one that focuses on recovery planning and redesign for the University’s non-clinical operations. The 2.0 version of CURT—Coronavirus University Restart Team—is now providing strategic guidance and coordination for the planning and redesign efforts of the University in multiple domains, including academic affairs, research recovery, and general operations.

Update on remote working

In March, the University announced that all River Campus and non-Medical Center non-essential staff should begin working remotely as part of the institution’s response to COVID-19.  As an update, despite some businesses reopening on May 15 as part of Governor Cuomo’s “Phase 1” of Reopening New York in the Finger Lakes Region, the guidance for non-essential staff at the University remains the same: all staff who have been working remotely since March should continue to do so until further notice. The CURT and senior leadership closely monitor government guidance that informs this decision-making, including New York State’s regional phased reopening plan, and are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of University community members. The status of remote working will be re-evaluated and communicated when the Finger Lakes Region advances to a new phase.

As a reminder, Medical Center staff are considered essential staff and have been expected to report to work, unless otherwise advised by their manager. And essential staff in facilities, dining services, residential life, in some research facilities, and other areas who are responsible for continuing operations at the University may also be working on campus.

Campus remains closed

With the exception of University medical and clinical care facilities, the University continues to be closed to outside guests or visitors until further notice. While we pride ourselves on having an open campus, the benefits of social distancing are best realized when outside in-person contact is limited. There are those who must visit campus, for example vendors and service personnel, who are essential to campus operations, but these individuals must wear masks when in public spaces and maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet.