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See the latest face mask updates and FAQs The current rate of COVID positive cases among students on River Campus is trending higher than we’d like relative both to other parts of the University and to the greater Rochester area. Although the positive cases have typically presented with only mild, cold-like symptoms, the University is working to mitigate the spread and asking that University faculty, staff, and students help bring the number of cases under control by wearing a face mask when indoors on campus for the time being. It’s well-established science that masking indoors reduces the risk of contracting or spreading COVID and other airborne diseases. Our University health officials believe that voluntary masking indoors will slow the rate of infection. Free face masks continue to be available at Common Connection in Wilson Commons during regular hours, and University faculty and staff should have supplies of masks available within their departments. COVID self-test kits are still also available to students. Prior to spring break, UHS provided each full-time undergraduate and graduate student who is part of the Student Health Program with a COVID-19 self-test kit (two per box) to use when they wish. For Arts, Sciences & Engineering undergraduates, the test kits were put in mailboxes in the River Campus Mail Center and can be picked up at any time. Free test kits may also be picked up at Common Connection during regular hours. An important reminder: any student—from any campus—who gets a positive test result on a self-test must notify University Health Service (UHS) immediately. The most efficient way to do this is through Dr. Chat Bot online, or by phone, (585) 275-2662. UHS is also seeing patients with COVID-like symptoms who test negative for COVID, but positive for influenza. Treatment is available for higher-risk patients with influenza, so students with asthma and other medical conditions should contact UHS if their symptoms are severe. See face mask FAQs