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Six of our Programs of Excellence


                     FEI scientists are part of a University-wide coalition
                  called the Advanced Retinal Imaging Alliance (ARIA).
                   Their work is at the forefront of developing and using
               groundbreaking technology to detect and treat glaucoma
                  and retinal disease at its earliest onset, while providing
                  other scientists a window into the effectiveness of new

                    therapies such as stem cell transplantation. ARIA has
                been identified by the National Institutes of Health as an
                  essential part of its strategy to prevent blindness in, or
              restore vision to, patients with hereditary retinal diseases,
                                       macular degeneration, and diabetes.

                                                                                                        Jesse Schallek, PhD

                                           MACULAR DEGENERATION & OTHER RETINAL DISORDERS

                                           Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of
                                           blindness in older Americans. The incidence of this disease is
                                           expected to double during the next 25 years. Our researchers
                                           are conducting major studies to better understand and develop
                                           new treatments for patients. They are using clinical trials to
                                           evaluate new combinations of vitamins and minerals to slow the
                                           progression and enhance the treatment of AMD;  studying retinal
                                           imaging techniques using the Rochester Adaptive Optics Scanning
                                           Laser Ophthalmoscope—developed at the University’s Center
                                           for Visual Science—to advance our understanding of the early

                                           development of AMD; developing a preclinical model of toxin-
                                           induced AMD as it relates to smoking; and helping to develop new
                                           pharmaceutical therapies and better ophthalmic devices.
    Ruchira Singh, PhD


           FEI researchers are studying the genetics and cell biology at the
             core of this complex disease. Efforts are under way to develop
             novel and sensitive imaging technologies for earlier diagnosis,
       monitoring control of glaucoma, and evaluating the effectiveness of
       new therapies. Glaucoma is a group of potentially blinding diseases
             that can damage the optic nerve and the retinal ganglion cells
         that give rise to it. The optic nerve is the channel that sends visual
         signals from the eye to the brain. Glaucoma affects approximately
        2.2 million Americans over the age of 40. Present testing methods
       may not detect optic nerve damage from glaucoma until more than
                 30 to 40 percent of the visual function is lost permanently.
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