Page 4 - Institute for Innovative Education | University of Rochester Medical Center
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eDuCATionAl ProgrAMs of exCellenCe HelP CreATe fuTure HeAlTH CAre leADers


        The School of Medicine and Dentistry, School of Nursing, and Eastman Institute for Oral Health
        have a legacy of preparing health care leaders, and are committed to defining and educating the
        next generation of leaders who will shape the future of health care. We are developing curricula
        that is specifically designed to meet the rigorous challenges these leaders will face. They will learn
        essential core competencies of leadership including: effective communication; team building;
        organizational effectiveness; health care stakeholder focus; systems thinking; innovation; and leading
        transformational change.


        There has been a fundamental shift in how we create and deliver health care education. It is now
        essential that we educate future health care providers to work as part of integrated teams. A key
        benefit: a higher quality of services and improved patient safety and care. Collaboration enables
        physicians, nurses, and other health care providers to learn from each other, better understand roles
        and responsibilities and how high performance teams work, improve communication, function more
        effectively, and share in decision-making. For example, in an operating room there are typically more
        than half a dozen surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, and technicians working together. Each team
        member brings his or her unique expertise to the table, but it is the synergy between providers that
        makes the procedure successful. School of Nursing Dean Kathy Rideout said, “The very best path to
        having teams of providers work well together is to educate them together.”
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