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Your Gift Will Help Us Produce the Next Generation of Health Care Leaders and Teams


     A named Center for Experiential Learning will allow us to keep pace with     We are using the expertise of the Center for Experiential Learning, librarians at
     rapid changes in health care and better educate and train the next generation of   the Miner Library, and faculty from the University’s Warner School of Education
     health care professionals so they can provide the best patient care. Your support   and the School of Nursing to develop on-line curricula for our adult learners. This
     will allow us to prepare these professionals with: increased interprofessional   will allow the time spent in classroom settings to be used for open discussion and
     educational programs and curricula across all disciplines in the Medical Center;   hands-on learning. Annual earnings from this fund would provide the resources to
     a greater focus on collaboration among physicians, nurses and other providers;   continue to develop and revise the on-line curriculum.
     leadership training; and the use and integration of technology into programs.   TEAM-BASED CARE SYMPOSIUM—$500,000
     Your generosity will also help us with renovating educational space, expanding
     flexible classroom space, and utilizing the latest technology to improve learning,   Support is needed for an annual symposium which could consist of lectures and
     such as expanded simulation training.                                        workshops centered on team-based care. National speakers and local experts will
                                                                                  provide day-long educational offerings to all levels of health care professionals at the
     ENDOWED PROGRAM IN CLINICAL SKILLS TRAINING—$2,000,000                       Medical Center and from other community-based providers.

     Support for our clinical skills and team-based training programs is vital to   EDUCATION INNOVATION ENDOWED FUND—$50,000+
     providing the most advanced care to our patients and their families. Annual
     earnings from the endowed program would provide the Institute’s director with   Annual earnings from this fund would support junior and mid-level faculty to
     the resources required for our training programs in: clinical simulation training   study and implement new ideas using health care teams. The Institute awards
     for high risk health care issues; team building and training with a focus on safety   annual educational pilot grants to foster creativity and to address changes needed,
     and quality; and training for collaborative care, high performing teams, and   including leadership training, team-based education, and teaching and learning
     better communication.                                                        with technology.

     ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIP IN HEALTH CARE EDUCATION—$1,500,000                    TECHNOLOGY AND TOOLS—$1,000 to $100,000
     to $2,000,000
                                                                                  It is vital that we have the necessary technology and tools to ensure our students
     Endowed professorships are permanent funds that honor acclaimed leaders who   receive the highest level of education and training. There are many opportunities
     perform groundbreaking research, mentor junior faculty, and attract and train   for you to support, including a baby computer-enhanced patient mannequin, a
     talented medical students, residents and fellows. They are among the most coveted   birthing simulator, virtual reality simulators, Smart Boards, new and replacement
     and defining rewards that a faculty member can receive, recognizing and fostering   task trainers (lumbar puncture, intubation, central line) for our procedural
     excellence. Professorships also serve as a powerful recruitment tool, drawing new   curriculum, and computers/iPads.
     faculty and researchers of established distinction from around the world.

     For more information about
     how your gift can make an impact, please contact
     us at: (585) 273-2700 •
     or visit
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