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Cover Story: Women, Unlimited

                                       Ruth Lawrence was the first woman ever to be   preeminent reference for clinicians worldwide since its
                                       offered an internship in pediatrics at Yale University—  1979 publication.
                                       but she wasn’t quick to accept, which prompted her
                                       summons to the office of George Hoyt Whipple, MD,   Meanwhile, the mother of nine managed
                                       founding dean of the University of Rochester School of   responsibilities she knew the men in her life—at home
                                       Medicine and Dentistry. He was on the phone with the   and at work—did not have to consider.
                                       medical school dean at Yale.               “My husband used to say, ‘As long as the house is neat,

                                       Ruth recalls: “He was saying, ‘Hey look, George, we   the children are well dressed and in school and doing
                                       took a risk. We said we’d take a female and she hasn’t   well, and dinner is on the table, you can do what you
                                       answered us.’ With Dr. Whipple looking down at me,    want,” she says, smiling about it now. “Erma Bombeck
                                       I said, ‘Well, I’d love to come to New Haven.’”  had a famous saying, ‘Don’t let them see you sweat.’
                                                                                  That’s what I felt.”
                                       That internship, followed by a residency also at Yale,
                                       exposed Ruth—who wore a white coat just like her   She had to put the kids to bed, so was unable to attend
                                       male peers but was tasked with weaning her first   nightly club meetings with other pediatricians. And
                                       child at 3 months to get back to work—to some of   she was in charge of the university hospital nursery,
                                       the greatest minds and practices in pediatrics. One of   a job her male colleagues did not want—but one that
                                       those practices was breastfeeding, common in New   ultimately helped her pioneer neonatology as a specialty.
        Ruth A. Lawrence               Haven even as physicians at the time, in the early ’50s,   Over her seven decades of experience as a pediatrician,
        (MD ’49, Res ’58)              were urging patients to feed their babies formula.  clinical toxicologist, and neonatologist—a storied
                                       Comfortable around breastfeeding because she’d   career earning her two lifetime achievement awards—
        Northumberland Trust Professor in                                         Lawrence has seen women go from “keeping our
          Pediatrics                   seen her mother nurse her siblings, Lawrence dug into
        Professor of Obstetrics and    research in earnest once in her post-doctoral residency   heads down” to being able to “speak up and challenge
          Gynecology                   in pediatrics at the University of Rochester Medical   leadership.”
        University of Rochester School of   Center, where, she says, “if a woman spoke up [for   Given her achievements over the years, she recognizes
          Medicine and Dentistry       herself] she was apt to be punished for it.”  she has had a role to play in that evolution—a role
        Founder (1985) and Medical Director                                       that led to her accepting the Charles Force Hutchison
          of the Breastfeeding and Human   She wrote articles on the benefits of breastfeeding,
          Lactation Study Center, Golisano   and word spread. Soon she was being sought out   and Marjorie Smith Hutchison Medal, which recognizes
          Children’s Hospital          by the wives of doctors who had read her work and   alumni for outstanding achievement and notable
                                       wanted help breastfeeding their infants. Attention   service, earlier this year.
                                       swelled, and Lawrence went on to become an   “I’ve never looked at myself as a disruptor,” she says,
                                       international expert in the field of breastfeeding   “but I hope I have helped a lot of women overcome
                                            medicine. Her book, Breastfeeding: A Guide for   whatever obstacles are in front of them.”
                                             the Medical Profession, continues to be the

                                                Personal ‘Herstories’ of Pediatrics in Rochester

                                                  Fifty years ago, when Elizabeth McAnarney, MD, arrived at the University of
                                                   Rochester, there were no female professors in the Department of Pediatrics.
                                                   Now, more than half of the department’s executive cabinet members are female—
                                                    and more than two dozen females hold the title of professor.

                                                     A new book, spearheaded by McAnarney, celebrates the women in the department
                                                     who helped bring about the cultural shift responsible for that progress. Women of
                                                      Rochester Pediatrics: In Their Own Words, written by Nancy Wharton Bolger, is
                                                       a rich look at the personal and professional lives of some of the Department of
                                                        Pediatrics’ most admired leaders.

                                                         “As each recounts her story, through interviews with the author, one hears
                                                         similar themes of optimism, hope, and confidence despite many professional

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