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University releases results of AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct

The Purple Flag Campaign on the Hajim Science & Engineering Quadrangle brings attention to the issues of sexual and domestic violence, as well as the rights of University community members plus the resources available to them. (University of Rochester photo / Sara Miller)

This past February, the University of Rochester along with 33 other colleges and universities participated in the Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct organized by the Association of American Universities (AAU). Rochester students studying at all levels and across all schools were encouraged to participate in the survey, which assesses the prevalence and nature of students’ experiences with sexual and relationship violence, harassment, and other sexual misconduct, as well as students’ knowledge and opinion of the Title IX resources available to them. All of the survey results are then used to inform University leadership and officials of the greatest areas of need to direct resources and prevention efforts.

The University’s overall survey response rate was 30.5 percent, with about equal percentages of undergraduate and graduate/professional students participating. The response rate for all 33 colleges and universities participating in the AAU survey was about 22 percent.

The survey assessed:

  1. The campus climate around sexual assault and sexual misconduct
  2. The frequency and nature of sexual assault and sexual misconduct
  3. The frequency and nature of sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, and stalking
  4. What students know and think about resources related to sexual assault and sexual misconduct

At the conclusion of the survey, the statistical survey research firm Westat compiled and organized the data, and has provided it back to participating schools.

Results of the 2019 Campus Climate Survey

The University’s survey results and report from Westat is posted on the University’s Title IX website.

“Understanding the scope and nature of sexual misconduct experienced by our students as well as their perceptions about our campus culture is critical to our work in the Title IX Office, and I am grateful to everyone who took the time to provide insight through the survey,” said Morgan Levy, Title IX coordinator and director of University Student Services Coordination. “Overall, our results provide us with data about where the University is most effective in our programs and outreach, as well as areas where we need to devote additional and different resources to address the specific issues.”

What do these results mean for University of Rochester students?

“In the Title IX Office and throughout the University we are looking at the opportunities to further strengthen our programs, training, and practices so that they best meet the needs of students,” said Levy. “This report helps inform these decisions and helps our programs evolve to ensure we are reaching students where they are. We’ll also continue to expand training for students, faculty, and staff on how to recognize and prevent instances of sexual assault or harassment.”

As one example, the University’s Title IX Office recently introduced its BADASS (Being Aware, Deciding to Act, and Saying Something) Bystander program, where students can learn the skills needed to be active and empowered bystanders who can take action to interrupt harm to others.

Additionally, the Culture of Respect initiative and the Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia have shown meaningful progress in revising and strengthening the University’s standards and common values. The central goal has been strengthening Rochester’s culture to promote equity and inclusion and making the University community one that is welcoming to all. The Vision and Values statement that was approved in spring 2018 continues to serve as the foundation for these efforts.

For specific questions about Rochester’s 2019 AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct, please contact To view the aggregate report from the AAU reflecting the results from all 33 schools who participated in the Campus Climate Survey, see the AAU website.