New technology could quash QR code phishing attacks
The improved QR code format would let smartphone users know if they’re heading to a secure website—or wading into a potential ‘quishing’ scam.
How does the atmosphere affect ocean weather?
A new Rochester study upends previous assumptions about how surface winds and ocean weather patterns interact.
Amanda Stent ’01: Guiding the future of AI in industry and academia
The Head of AI Strategy & Research in the Office of the CTO at Bloomberg reflects on the state of artificial intelligence.
Three Rochester faculty members receive nation’s highest honor for early-career investigators
Ehsan Hoque, William Renninger, and Petros Tzeferacos have been named Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) recipients.
How does the brain cut through noise to understand speech?
Rochester researchers investigate how visual cues enhance the brain’s ability to understand speech in noisy environments.
Goergen Institute’s name change reflects University of Rochester’s artificial intelligence expertise
The newly retitled Goergen Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence serves as an interdisciplinary hub of experts at Rochester.
Data science students help speed up Rochester Fire Department’s emergency responses
The students analyzed millions of data points to determine where to best place fire stations, fire trucks, and other resources.
Researchers developing tool to instantly conceal and anonymize voices
The voice-changer system will produce computer-generated speech within milliseconds, allowing users to control factors like age, gender, and dialect.
Zhen Bai: Using AI to advance child development and learning
Computer scientist Zhen Bai develops technology to help kids benefit from and learn about artificial intelligence.
New liquid biopsy method offers avenue to quick, affordable cancer diagnosis
The method uses ultrathin membranes to capture tiny packets of cellular material called extracellular vesicles.