Cleaning up the aging brain
Rochester scientists are restoring the brain’s trash disposal system with a drug currently used to induce labor.
Marissa Sobolewski: Nature, nurture, and neuroscience
How Uganda’s chimpanzees have shaped the assistant professor’s research journey.
Research hub aims to unravel health effects of microplastic pollution
The Rochester-based center will let researchers to investigate the interactions between plastic pollution, the Great Lakes environment, and human health.
Common dry-cleaning chemical linked to Parkinson’s Disease
An international team of neurologists makes the case that the chemical trichloroethylene (TCE) is driving the global growth in Parkinson’s.
At-home sensors can spot Parkinson’s during sleep
A device that passively monitors breathing during sleep not only detects Parkinson’s, but also tracks the disease’s progression over time.
Study links fracking, drinking water pollution, and infant health
“Our findings indicate that drilling near an infant’s public water source yields poorer birth outcomes and more fracking-related contaminants in public drinking water,” says Rochester’s Elaine Hill.
Medical Center to lead first gene therapy study for Batten disease
The University will serve as the lead study site in the US for an experimental treatment for CLN5 Batten disease, a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorder.
Legacy of racism in housing policies continues to impact maternal health
Rochester economist Elaine Hill traces how redlining from decades ago in Rochester, New York, is associated with worse outcomes in pregnancy and childbirth experienced by Black women today.
Report details economic reach of the University
Latest analysis highlights the University’s role as a “critical engine” with an economic impact that has grown during the past decade and a half.
Fracking comes at the expense of water quality
In a perspective piece in Science, Rochester economist Elaine Hill calls for tighter regulation and monitoring of fracking as more evidence points to its negative health consequences.