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The Arts
April 6, 2017 | 10:35 am

Prog rockers belong in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Friday’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony will welcome one of the most musically diverse class ever. John Covach, director of the University’s Institute of Popular Music, walks us through this year’s inductees and—with the help of his guitar—the Yes hit Roundabout.

topics: Institute for Popular Music, John Covach,
Society & Culture
February 28, 2017 | 03:03 pm

QuadCast: ‘When you have big data, you can get very lost’

Student host Nick Bruno ’17 talks with Warner School of Education professors Kara Finnigan and Karen DeAngelis about the opportunities and challenges data science presents to K-12 education researchers.

topics: big-data-2017, data science, Kara Finnigan, Karen DeAngelis, QuadCast, Warner School of Education,
The Arts
February 9, 2017 | 01:55 pm

QuadCast: The sound behind the Grammys

With awards presented in 84 different categories, what does it mean today to produce award-worthy audio? Student host Nick Bruno ’17 checks in with Grammy Award-winner sound engineer Stephen Roessner, a lecturer in the University’s audio and music engineering program.

topics: Audio and Music Engineering, featured-post-side, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, QuadCast, Stephen Roessner,
Society & Culture
October 28, 2016 | 11:09 am

QuadCast: What are the origins of Halloween?

Halloween is a staple in American culture, but what are the origins of the holiday? Emil Homerin, professor of religion, discusses Halloween’s roots in mysticism with student host Nick Bruno in this episode of QuadCast, the University’s official podcast.

topics: Department of Religion and Classics, Emil Homerin, featured-post, QuadCast, School of Arts and Sciences,
The Arts
October 7, 2016 | 11:42 am

The Monkees’ 50th anniversary: Interview with John Covach

John Covach talks with Nick Bruno in the studio about the Monkees, their influence on pop culture, and how their music ended up taking on a life of its own, in the premiere episode of UR Quad-Cast.

topics: Arthur Satz Department of Music, humanities, Institute of Popular Music, John Covach, Popular Music, School of Arts and Sciences,