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Society & Culture
June 13, 2014 | 07:38 pm

Experts on Brazil discuss the World Cup from a historical lens

As Brazil kicks off the World Cup, more than the tournament outcome is at stake, according to historians Pablo Sierra and Molly Ball of the University of Rochester. The husband-and-wife team have developed a course, “History of Latin America through Soccer,” that will be taught for the first time this fall at Rochester.

topics: announcements, Brazil, Department of History, global engagement, Molly Ball, Pablo Miguel Sierra Silva, School of Arts and Sciences, sports,
Society & Culture
June 11, 2014 | 04:06 pm

Curt Smith critiques plans for the Obama library

As the June 16 deadline for bids for the library approaches, universities in Chicago, Honolulu, and New York City have expressed interest in housing the Barack Obama Presidential library. Curt Smith offers strong views about the three leading contenders vying for the project.

topics: announcements, Curt Smith, Department of English, government, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
May 7, 2014 | 07:11 pm

New book explores awkward moments in film and media

Films like This is Spinal Tap have built large followings around their use of awkward and cringeworthy comedy. But according to Jason Middleton, assistant professor of English and director of the film and media studies program, the use of staged “awkwardness” extends far beyond the domain of contemporary popular culture and into the earliest days of filmmaking.

topics: announcements, book authors, film, Film and Media Studies Program, Jason Middleton, literature,
Society & Culture
April 7, 2014 | 04:20 pm

Video gamers’ aggression linked to frustration, not violent content

The disturbing imagery of videos games are often accused of fostering feelings of aggression in players. But a new study shows hostile behavior is linked to gamers’ experiences of failure and frustration during play—not to a game’s violent content.

topics: Andrew Przybylski, research finding, Richard Ryan, video games, violence,
Society & Culture
April 1, 2014 | 06:37 pm

Policy experts debate the future of finance

The Politics and Markets Project, a new initiative aimed at fostering discussion among college students about key issues of the day, presents “Wall Street and Your World.”

topics: David Primo, economy, events, Politics and Markets Project,
Society & Culture
March 27, 2014 | 12:47 pm

Experts to discuss crisis in Ukraine

Four faculty experts will discuss on Thursday, April 3, the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The panel will touch on a variety of issues including Russian President Vladimir Putin’s objectives and speculation about his next moves. The panel also will explore political constraints, such as Europe’s dependency on Russian oil and reliance on exports to Russia.
photo by Flickr user nessa_flame

topics: events, global engagement, Russia, Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies,
Society & Culture
March 24, 2014 | 09:01 pm

Poli-sci fellowship endowed

Douglas and Constance Beck have committed more than $1 million to establish a fellowship for doctoral students in political science and related fields.

topics: announcements, Department of Political Science, Douglas and Constance Beck, fellowships, giving, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
March 21, 2014 | 09:17 pm

Becket Fund president to discuss religious freedom

William Mumma will explore issues brought to light by the United States Supreme Court case involving a congregation of religious sisters who oppose certain aspects of the Affordable Care Act

topics: Catholic Newman Community, events, healthcare reform,
Society & Culture
March 19, 2014 | 07:31 pm

Canonization of Pope John Paul II celebrated

The canonization of John Paul II on April 27, 2014, will be celebrated through a blend of music and readings of John Paul’s poetry and writings.

topics: Arthur Satz Department of Music, Catholic Newman Community, events, Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies,