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Foundation commits $1 million, endows Andrew P. Barowsky fellowship

The Andrew P. Barowsky Foundation, Inc. has committed $1 million to establish a fellowship benefiting students of Dominican University of California pursuing graduate degrees at the University of Rochester. With more than a quarter of Dominican University students being first generation college graduates and nearly half coming from ethnically diverse backgrounds, Andrew P. Barowsky ’72, president of the Barowsky Foundation, sought to create a path for students at Dominican University aspiring to attend graduate school at his alma mater.

“The University of Rochester has benefited enormously from Andrew’s generous support over the years,” said Peter Lennie, provost and the Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Sciences and Engineering. “As his foundation establishes a bridge between Dominican University and the University of Rochester, we are reminded of his great commitment to higher education and its capacity for service to society.”

“Andrew Barowsky is deeply committed to the belief that education transforms lives,” said Dominican University of California President Mary B. Marcy. “We are delighted that he has expanded opportunities for Dominican students to attend graduate school at his alma mater through this generous act of philanthropy.”

Barowsky graduated from the University of Rochester with a bachelor’s degree in economics in 1972. He is a charter member of the George Eastman Circle, the University’s annual giving leadership society, chairman and CEO of Abaco LLC, and former president and CEO of Lepage Bakeries, Inc.

“I created this fellowship,” said Barowsky, “to enhance society by using resources in a way that fosters inquiry, supports a culture of inclusion and open-mindedness, and integrates ideas, research and learning together to make the world a better place.”

Driven by a desire to become involved in education, Barowsky began serving on the board of trustees at Dominican University in 2004, where he currently serves as chair of the board. Barowsky, when first introduced to the school by his business associate’s sister, was moved by the dedication of the board, faculty, and students. “It is a place where you can make a difference as a board member,” notes Barowsky. Dominican University recognized Barowsky’s contributions and involvement by naming the Andrew P. Barowsky School of Business in his honor.

Now, with the addition of this new fellowship, students who might not otherwise pursue graduate school outside of California have both an incentive and financial support to attend the University of Rochester. Barowsky has been “impressed with the strides that the University of Rochester has made to solidify its reputation” and commends the University for its “forward-thinking” graduate schools, where he hopes to see students of Dominican University attending in the near future. The fellowship will ultimately support five graduate students per year.

The Andrew P. Barowsky Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit trust located in Florida, with a primary focus on education.