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Guest scholar to present two public talks on history, technology

Leow-Event-1-screenshotscreenshot of posterRachel Leow, a lecturer in modern East Asian history at the University of Cambridge, will present talks on the cultural history of electricity in Shanghai, and on history, technology, and the liberal arts. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGED DATE AND TIMES OF BOTH TALKS. TALK 1: Through the letters of a mentally ill Shanghai resident, Leow’s first talk, “Madman in an Electric Age: A Cultural History of Electricity in Shanghai, C. 1880-1940,” will explore the cultural history of the electrification of Shanghai. TIME, DATE, PLACE: 12 noon, Feb. 4, Rush Rhees Library, Room 362, University of Rochester River Campus. The talk is free and open to the public. TALK 2: Leow’s second talk is titled “Between Digital and Analogue in the 21st Century: History, Technology, and the Liberal Arts.” TIME, DATE, PLACE: 5 pm, Feb. 4, Rush Rhees Library, Wells Brown Room, University of Rochester River Campus. The talk is free and open to the public. ABOUT: Rachel Leow’s research is broadly concerned with the social, cultural and intellectual links between China and Chinese communities in maritime Southeast Asia, British imperialism in Asia, and with histories of ideas beyond Europe. Her work strives to be sensitive to the complex transformations of ideas and identities in motion. Her current research project is an investigation of China’s intellectual influences in Southeast Asia, c. 1880-1950. Leow joined the Cambridge faculty in 2014. She completed her PhD in history at St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge in 2011, and a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University between 2011-2013. SPONSOR: The University of Rochester’s Department of History. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the History Department at (585) 354-1434.