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A partial government shutdown began just after midnight Saturday, after the U.S. Senate could not muster the necessary votes to end debate on a four-week stopgap funding bill.

The University of Rochester is working with its Congressional delegation, agency sponsors, and national associations, including the Association of the American Universities (AAU), the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the American Hospital Association (AHA), and others, to monitor the situation and assess and communicate the impact to our students, researchers, providers, and patients.

Based on the federal shutdown in 2013, there will be some short-term impact to the University that could change dramatically depending on the length of the shutdown. Federal functions that rely on funding contained in annual appropriations bills to support operations will be suspended, but mandatory spending and entitlements (Medicare and Medicaid) will continue. Agencies can not incur any new obligations and more than 850,000 federal government employees could be furloughed without pay. Additionally, activities providing for the national security or the safety of life and property, as defined by the White House Office of Management and Budget, will continue.

The White House Office of Management and Budget has issued agency operation guidance regarding grants and contracts in addition to posting various agency-specific contingency plans. Please monitor these websites for updates regarding your grants and initiatives.

The University is disappointed that Congress and the White House could not reach a funding deal and hopes that differences can be resolved soon. The University continues to urge Congress to raise the discretionary spending caps that were enacted as part of the Budget Control Act to enable critical research and healthcare investments and support for students, as well as legislation that extends the Children’s Health Insurance Program and critical Medicare payments to our rural providers. The University has also strongly been advocating for Congress to act swiftly to pass legislation to protect and retain Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) participants, which is also part of the budget negotiations.

If you or your colleagues find the shutdown has a direct impact on your work, please contact Josh Farrelman in the Office of Government and Community Relations. We would like to share your thoughts with members of the New York Congressional delegation.

We will keep you informed of any major changes.