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Public Safety begins implementation of armed status

University of Rochester Peace Officer // photo by J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester

At the second meeting of the Public Safety Review Board on December 13, members reviewed and approved the University policies and procedures with regard to the issuance of firearms to Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers. The minutes from the first and second meetings can be viewed at the Public Safety Review Board’s website.

As part of the implementation of the 2016 Security Commission Report recommendations, effective January 3, the chief, deputy chief, and commander of investigations in DPS now each carry an issued firearm while on duty on the University’s campuses. Additionally, two DPS lieutenants in their capacity as senior firearms instructors have been issued firearms. All of these five leaders have completed the required training outlined in the Security Commission Report.

Moving forward, effective February 6, 30 newly trained DPS officers will carry a firearm while on duty at the University’s Medical Center. These 30 sworn officers—representing about one-quarter of Public Safety’s total force—will be divided among the patrol and supervisory shifts at the Medical Center to address any safety concerns on a 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week basis, especially within the hospital’s emergency department. These officers have completed required background and psychological evaluations. They also have undergone extensive law enforcement firearms safety and proficiency training and will attend ongoing competency testing.

Throughout the year, the Public Safety Review Board will continue its oversight of the University’s armed officer program.