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Public Safety issues reminders about bike theft prevention

Warmer weather brings more bicyclists out on River Campus, but it also brings out more bicycle thieves.

“In just the month of June there have been more than 20 bike thefts, and two common threads are being seen: bikes are unlocked, or are secured with cheap cable or chain locks,” said Public Safety Department Spokesman Dana Perrin.

University Public Safety offers a bicycle registration program to the community free of charge. Registering your bike deters theft and aids in efforts to recover stolen property. Registration includes the recording of the make, model, serial number, color and size—this information is important if your bicycle is stolen. Call Public Safety at 275-3333 for registration.

Public Safety also offers Kryptonite brand locks, available for purchase to University community members at a discounted price of $30. Locks may be purchased at the Public Safety Center, 612 Wilson Blvd., or at the Common Market in Wilson Commons on River Campus.

picture of a bike locked to a bike rack, with an arrow pointing to the bike frame where the lock should be placed.
The arrow in this photo points to the correct location to lock your bicycle
photo of a bike tire locked to a bike rack, after the rest of the bike had been separated from the tire and stolen
This is what can result when you don’t lock your bicycle correctly

There are several simple steps you can take to make it more difficult for your bicycle to be stolen. Bicycle thefts are preventable by properly using a good lock and by taking these simple precautions:

  • Secure your bicycle to the bicycle racks with a quality hardened steel “U” type lock. Always lock your bicycle with the U-lock by putting it through the bike’s frame, a wheel, and the rack. This is especially important if your bicycle has quick-release tires. Avoid putting a U-lock through only one wheel—the wheel can be removed, and the frame and the remaining wheel can easily be stolen. If you have quick-release wheels, remove the front wheel and place it next to the rear wheel. Then put the U-lock through both wheels, the frame and the bicycle rack.
  • Place the lock on your bicycle with the key mechanism facing the ground. This will make it less likely for the mechanism to fail as a result of exposure to the weather and harder for a thief to tamper with.
  • Avoid using cables, locking your bicycle to itself, or leaving it parked in the same place for a long period of time.
  • If your bike is stolen, report it immediately. The more quickly Public Safety is notified of a crime, the more quickly you may get your bicycle back!
  • Register your bicycle with the Public Safety Department. In the event that your bicycle is lost or stolen you will have a better chance of it being returned to you when recovered. This is a free service.
  • Report any suspicious activities around bicycle racks by calling Public Safety at 275-3333.
  • Avoid blocking building entrances, ramps, or handicap areas with your bicycle.