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Public Safety to conduct drill Jan. 9

The University’s Department of Public Safety will conduct a preparedness drill that will close Wilson Commons, Faculty Road and Fraternity Road on Thursday morning, Jan. 9. The training exercise will test the coordinated response to an active violence scenario and will involve Public Safety, the Rochester Police Department, Monroe County 911, and other local responders. It will begin at 9 a.m. in Wilson Commons and conclude at 12:30 p.m.

Wilson Commons will be closed all morning and will reopen at 12:30 p.m., with Starbucks resuming operations at 1 p.m. Individuals who work in Wilson Commons have been notified by their supervisors as to how to report to work. Beginning at 8 a.m., both Faculty Rd. and Fraternity Rd. will be closed to traffic until 12:30 p.m.

The drill will simulate an emergency situation on campus, so members of the University community may see Rochester Police Department officers, Public Safety, and others actively responding to the scenario. Signs will be posted outside Wilson Commons indicating that a training exercise is in progress.

“This comprehensive drill will test and enhance the response of our University community in conjunction with the Rochester Police Department and the Monroe County Emergency communications Department,” said Mark Fischer, director of Public Safety. “This drill is unfortunately a necessity in these times and has been a high priority with Ronald Paprocki, University senior vice president for administration and finance, CFO, and treasurer. I have no doubt we in Public Safety, as well as our participating partners, will learn a great deal and make our working relationships even stronger.”

For questions concerning the drill, contact Fischer at 276-5969, or Public Safety Lieutenant Clayton Stieve at 275-1091.