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Responding to coronavirus: Town hall with University leadership set for Thursday

(University of Rochester photo / J. Adam Fenster)

University of Rochester leaders will hold a special live Zoom event, Responding to Coronavirus: A Leadership Town Hall, on Thursday, May 7, from 7-8 p.m. (ET) where students, alumni, faculty, staff, friends, and families from around the world can join in online to hear about the many ways the University has addressed the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus update

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Panelists will speak about the academic, operational, and financial adaptations that have been made at the University over the past several months, as well as how the University—as a major research institution with an academic medical center and six hospitals—has its scientists and clinicians at the forefront of national efforts to develop new diagnostics, treatments and vaccines, while also caring for our region’s COVID-19 patients.

The participating panelists are:

  • Sarah Mangelsdorf, President and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor
  • Robert Clark, University Provost
  • Holly Crawford, Senior Vice President and CFO
  • Mark Taubman MD, CEO of the University of Rochester Medical Center and Dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Tony Kinslow, Associate Vice President for Human Resources
  • Facilitator: Jane Gatewood, Vice Provost for Global Engagement

Viewers can submit questions in advance for the panelists to consider by emailing Time permitting there may be an opportunity for live questions at the close of the event.

The town hall will be closed-captioned, and a summary of the event will be available at at a later date. Organizers will also review and try to answer many of the questions that could not be answered live.

Other topics the leaders may address include a public health perspective on COVID-19 and the impacts on the greater Rochester community; workforce management during a pandemic; the planning currently underway to prepare for when students can return to campus for the traditional classroom and residential experience; and the future of international student engagement in higher education.


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