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Sarah Peyre named dean of Warner School

Sarah Peyre

Sarah E. Peyre, associate dean for innovative education at the University of Rochester Medical Center and executive director of its Institute for Innovative Education, has been appointed dean of the Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development. University Provost Rob Clark announced Peyre’s appointment, which will begin on July 1 with a five-year term.

“This is a great appointment for Warner,” said Clark. “Out of an exceptionally strong pool of candidates, Sarah distinguished herself with her experience working in complex and fast-paced environments and with her commitment to both research and practice. She knows the University well, and will strengthen productive relationships across campus and in the Rochester community. I am thrilled to welcome her to the Deans Council. I would also like to thank Brian Brent for his service as acting dean. When Warner needed him, he stepped in to lead the school with resourcefulness and commitment.”

A search committee led by Wendi Heinzelman, professor and dean of the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, and including faculty members and leaders in education and human development, conducted a national search to identify the school’s new dean and successor to Brian Brent, Earl B. Taylor Professor and senior associate dean for graduate studies, who has served as acting dean since October. The Warner School dean is a senior academic leader at the University who shapes the vision and objectives for the school, generates resources in support of those priorities, and effectively manages its operations. The dean develops the school’s strategic plan that ensures its financial sustainability, builds community both within and beyond the school, fosters interdisciplinary collaborations, and maximizes its impact on the fields of education and human development.

University President Sarah Mangelsdorf commented, “I have been impressed with Sarah’s contributions to our Medical Center, and I’m delighted that she will be now be bringing her energy and strategic vision to the important work of the Warner School.”

Peyre joined the University in 2011 and also holds faculty appointments as professor of surgery, nursing, medical humanities, and bioethics. She is a national expert in the field of simulation and the development of educational innovations that support collaborative health-care models. Her work in interprofessional education includes curriculum development on disparities in health care, leadership, and technology. Her educational research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, Josiah Macy Foundation, Burroughs Welcome Foundation, and others.

As executive director of the Institute for Innovative Education (IIE), she leads advances in health professions education through simulation, adaptive technology, team science, and novel approaches to information and education delivery. The IIE is a centralized matrix of services that includes the Miner Library and the Center for Experiential Learning, and is supported by IT and educational specialists with expertise in instructional design, simulation, and program development. The IIE supports the educational mission of the School of Medicine and Dentistry, School of Nursing, Eastman Institute of Oral Health, Strong Hospital, and the Faculty Practice Group.

Peyre serves on several committees that help advance the educational mission of the Medical Center. In 2014, she was awarded a Macy Faculty Scholar position, supporting her efforts to develop and implement an interprofessional education program addressing the communication needs at the intersection of electronic health records and patient- and family-centered care.

“I am thrilled to be joining the Warner community,” said Peyre. “I have long admired the passion and dedication of the faculty, the robust and meaningful partnerships with the Rochester community and beyond, and the school’s commitment to advancing the fields of education and human development. Together, we can help lead the way through these challenging times that are being experienced throughout the spectrum of education in our society.”

Prior to joining the University, Peyre served as the director of education and research for the STRATUS Center for Medical Simulation at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and as assistant professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School.

She received her bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of California at Berkeley, and her master’s degree in medical education and doctorate in educational psychology from the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California.