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Posts Tagged black students union

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Society & Culture
April 3, 2018 | 03:54 pm

Honoring Martin Luther King

On the 50th anniversary of the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., the University will join others across the nation who will ring their bells in tribute.

topics: black students union, diversity, douglass leadership house, featured-post-side, Hopeman Memorial Carillon, Martin Luther King, Office of Minority Student Affairs,
Campus Life
February 16, 2017 | 11:09 am

Three presidents

Caryl English ’18, Delvin Moody ’18, and Charlisa Goodlet ’17 have followed different paths that have led them to leadership roles, each serving as the president of student organizations focused on issues of race, black culture, activism, and advocacy.

topics: black students union, douglass leadership house, featured-post, Minority Student Advisory Board,
Campus Life
November 20, 2015 | 03:51 pm

Students demand better racial climate at the University

About 150 students and supporters marched peacefully across the River Campus on Friday to demand that “the University of Rochester’s administration implement immediate and lasting changes that will reduce intolerable acts of racism that students of color endure at our University.”

topics: black students union, douglass leadership house, Joel Seligman, Minority Student Advisory Board, spanish and latino students association,
Campus Life
February 17, 2014 | 09:26 pm

Living black history at Rochester

Student groups across the University are sponsoring performances, lectures, workshops, and other events designed to bring black history alive for today’s students and to build community with others on and off campus.

topics: announcements, Black History Month, black students union, douglass leadership house, Pan-African Students Associaion,