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Posts Tagged Boar’s Head Dinner

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December 1, 2017 | 01:28 pm

Boar’s Head Dinner goes back to 16th century for one night

Feldman Ballroom in Douglass Commons was transformed into a 16th century English court for the annual Boar’s Head Dinner, a University tradition since 1934. The banquet was inspired by a 16th-century Oxford University legend in which a student walking through the woods was attacked by a wild boar and saved by a fellow scholar who thrust a copy of Aristotle’s work down the boar’s throat.

topics: Boar's Head Dinner,
Campus Life
November 30, 2016 | 01:53 pm

Boar’s Head Dinner tradition continues

Trumpets blaring. Men and women clad in medieval costumes. Figgie pudding and “the reading of the Boar.” The 82-year-old tradition of Boar’s Head Dinner continues this week.

topics: Boar's Head Dinner,