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Posts Tagged David Dodell-Feder

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Science & Technology
April 27, 2022 | 03:53 pm

Does urban living put kids at greater risk of experiencing psychosis?

Using a large, nationwide sample, Rochester researchers looked at the impact that environmental and social risk factors can have during childhood.

topics: David Dodell-Feder, Department of Psychology, Medical Center, neuroscience, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
January 24, 2019 | 01:47 pm

Common test of mental state understanding is biased

A new Rochester study has shown that a widely accepted test for assessing a patient’s ability to understand the mental state of another is biased against the less educated and against racial and ethnic minorities.

topics: David Dodell-Feder, Department of Psychology, diversity, featured-post-side, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
October 18, 2018 | 09:51 am

Peering into what goes awry in schizophrenia

What cognitive processes contribute to how we function in a social world, and where do those processes break down? David Dodell-Feder—a new assistant professor of psychology—brings brain imaging, neuroscience, and even music and literature to bear in his research on the science of social connection.

topics: David Dodell-Feder, Department of Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, School of Arts and Sciences,