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University News
May 15, 2014 | 07:48 pm

New report details economic reach of University

A new report by the Center for Governmental Research (CGR) shows that the University is directly and indirectly responsible for supporting an estimated 50,300 jobs in the region. The report also finds that the new Institute for Data Science will create 460 jobs, and with 22,451 full-time-equivalent (FTE) employees, the University is the eighth largest private sector employer in the state.

topics: Center for Governmental Research, community, economy,
Society & Culture
April 1, 2014 | 06:37 pm

Policy experts debate the future of finance

The Politics and Markets Project, a new initiative aimed at fostering discussion among college students about key issues of the day, presents “Wall Street and Your World.”

topics: David Primo, economy, events, Politics and Markets Project,
Society & Culture
February 7, 2014 | 10:13 pm

Sorry, cities: No strength in numbers

Urban legislators have long lamented that they do not get their fair share of bills passed in state governments, often blaming rural and suburban interests for blocking their efforts. Now a new study confirms one of those suspicions but surprisingly refutes the other.

topics: Department of Political Science, economy, Gerald Gamm, politics, research finding,
University News
December 11, 2013 | 09:54 pm

Seligman, Wegman React to Finger Lakes Economic Funding

Governor Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders announced $59.8 million in economic development support for the nine-county Finger Lakes region.

topics: announcements, community, Danny Wegman, economy, Governor Cuomo, Joel Seligman,
University News
July 24, 2013 | 05:26 pm

Training, Career Fair for City Residents Hosted

The City of Rochester and University will host the Rochester Employment Training and Career Fair on Aug. 22 and 23 to bolster employment for city residents and promote professional opportunities for minority job seekers.

topics: city partnership, economy, job fair,