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Posts Tagged Jamal Rossi

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University News
June 5, 2018 | 02:45 pm

Andrew Ainslie and Jamal Rossi reappointed to five-year deanships

Andrew Ainslie has led strategic curriculum and recruitment changes at Simon School, and expanded the undergraduate business program. Jamal Rossi is recognized for increased faculty recruitment, building partnerships and spurring innovation in Eastman’s music programs.

topics: Andrew Ainslie, Eastman School of Music, Jamal Rossi, Simon Business School,
In Photos
May 18, 2014 | 12:11 pm

Friendly neighborhood Spider-Dean

Jamal Rossi, dean of the Eastman School of Music, reminded graduates that “with great power comes great responsibility … You not only have the power to transform lives, you have the responsibility. You have to make a difference in the community and in the people in those communities. Use your music to enrich your communities.” He concluded his address by saying, “There’s a little Spider-Man in all of us,” referencing the filming of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in front of Kodak Hall last summer.

topics: Eastman School of Music, Jamal Rossi,
University News
May 13, 2014 | 06:33 pm

Jamal Rossi named the Joan and Martin Messinger Dean of the Eastman School of Music

Jamal Rossi came to Eastman in 2005 as senior associate dean. He served as executive associate dean at Eastman from 2007 until September 2013, when he was appointed dean of the school following the illness and resignation at that time of former Messinger Dean Douglas Lowry.

topics: board of trustees, Eastman School of Music, Jamal Rossi, Joan and Martin Messinger Dean,