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Posts Tagged Kara Finnigan

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Society & Culture
February 28, 2017 | 03:03 pm

QuadCast: ‘When you have big data, you can get very lost’

Student host Nick Bruno ’17 talks with Warner School of Education professors Kara Finnigan and Karen DeAngelis about the opportunities and challenges data science presents to K-12 education researchers.

topics: data science, Kara Finnigan, Karen DeAngelis, QuadCast, Warner School of Education,
Society & Culture
March 21, 2016 | 08:20 am

Book focuses on role of school districts in leading reform

Kara Finnigan, associate professor of educational policy at the Warner School of Education, has coedited a book about the important role of central district offices in turning around the nation’s lowest performing schools.

topics: book authors, K-12 education, Kara Finnigan, Warner School of Education,