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Posts Tagged National Institutes of Health

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University News
August 11, 2016 | 09:24 am

$19 million grant will help speed medical advances to patients

The University’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute is one of 12 institutions in the nation to receive the award, which supports “bench-to-bedside” research programs that remove hurdles in the process of applying medical research to patient treatment.

topics: Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Medical Center, National Institutes of Health, research funding,
Science & Technology
May 23, 2016 | 11:48 am

Pediatrics professor receives $3M grant to research gene therapy, ARDS

David Dean has received an NIH grant explore a novel method of gene therapy delivery that could greatly benefit patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, a condition that affects about 150,000 people each year.

topics: announcements, David Dean, Department of Pediatrics, grant, Medical Center, National Institutes of Health,
Science & Technology
October 6, 2014 | 04:30 pm

Researcher receives $1.25M grant to unlock ‘magic’ behind babies, language

Elika Bergelson, a newly-appointed research assistant professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, focuses on understanding how babies learn words between 6-to 18-months old. Funding from the NIH recognizes Bergelson as one of the nation’s “exceptional early career scientist” and will help her pathbreaking work advance more quickly.

topics: Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Elika Bergelson, grant, language, National Institutes of Health, Rochester Baby Lab, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
September 25, 2014 | 06:03 pm

Medical Center joins NIH network to fight arthritis, lupus

The National Institutes of Health has invited the Medical Center to join the NIH Accelerating Medicines Partnership in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus Network. Made up of 11 research groups from around the country, its aim is to develop new treatments for patients with the conditions.

topics: announcements, Medical Center, National Institutes of Health,