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Posts Tagged Richard Eisenberg

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Science & Technology
January 17, 2013 | 05:33 pm

Chemistry Professor Recognized

The New York Section of the American Chemical Society has named Eisenberg the winner of its 2013 William H. Nichols Medal Award.

topics: awards, Department of Chemistry, Richard Eisenberg,
November 8, 2012 | 09:26 pm

‘Holy Grail’ of Hydrogen Fuel

Work by a group of graduate students and chemistry professors is advancing what is sometimes considered the “holy grail” of energy science: lowering the cost while increasing the output of sunlight-powered hydrogen-production systems. The solution: nanocrystals and nickel catalysts.

topics: Department of Chemistry, energy, nanotechnology, Patrick Holland, research finding, Richard Eisenberg, School of Arts and Sciences, sustainability, Todd Krauss,