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University News

University revises Code of Conduct and Whistleblower Policy

Integrity Hotline available for concerns

As part of advancing a Culture of Respect and the institution-wide Vision and Values, a new Code of Conduct and Whistleblower Policy (the “Code”) has been adopted for all University community members. The Code is intended to guide the University community in adhering to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct.  It also requires members of the University community to hold themselves to the highest standards for integrity and accountability as expressed in the University’s statement of its Vision and Values.  The Code also includes important whistleblower protections that protect those who report wrongdoing in good faith from retaliation.

The Code (.pdf) applies to all members of the University community, including faculty, staff, students, trustees, volunteers and contractors. The University’s Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer administers it. The Code describes how reports of violations can be made and how those reports will be addressed. It is effective immediately and should be promptly reviewed by all members of the University community. Beginning in November, every University faculty and staff member will need to confirm in MyPath that they have reviewed and understand the Code.

The University’s Integrity Hotline (585-756-8888) is also available to all University community members who would like to communicate any ethics, compliance or conduct concerns they have and to understand the resources available to resolve issues.