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White House report highlights efforts to enhance access

The University of Rochester was one of nearly 150 colleges and universities whose initiatives to enroll low-income, first-generation, and minority students were highlighted as part of a daylong forum organized by the White House on Thursday.

Known as the College Pipeline Initiative to Expand College Opportunity, the summit hosted by President Barack Obama was designed to mobilize efforts by higher education leaders as well as private sector, city, state, and philanthropic leaders to help connect more low-income students with college and ensure that they succeed once they get there.

Jonathan Burdick, dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, said it was an honor for Rochester to be among the institutions contacted to find meaningful, lasting approaches to increase access and success in higher education.

“The University of Rochester is already engaged in most of the initiatives suggested for expanding the college pipeline except for the remediation activities, which are not applicable to our institution,” Burdick said. “These activities engage significant numbers of our faculty, staff, and students across the University, and we devote considerable financial resources each year to these activities, some of which are grant-funded.

“We are proactive about seeking new approaches and open to expanding current efforts. For instance, we are currently pursuing programs to expand our reach among transfer students and to expand transfer student enrollment.”

Rochester was featured in a 90-page report, “Commitments to Action on College Opportunity,” which was released by the Executive Office of the President just before the meeting got under way.

In the report, Rochester outlined several of its current initiatives and plans for future efforts.

To dowload the full report, visit, theĀ White House’s website.