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OHSP training courses moved to Blackboard Ultra

The Office for Human Subject Protection (OHSP) has recently converted their training courses to Blackboard Ultra, which provides an updated, more user-friendly structure and format (note, the content of these courses has not changed). Consequently, the original courses will be decommissioned at the end of January 2025.  To complete remaining coursework and/or maintain access to these courses, users must complete the following…

For users currently enrolled in the UR-HRPP Educational Materials course

As a reminder, the UR-HRPP Educational Materials ‘course’ is repository of video recordings and slides from OHSP-sponsored seminars, as well as other miscellaneous recorded resources available via OHSP.

To continue accessing the resources available via this course, users will need to self-enroll in the Blackboard Ultra version of the course; see additional information below. 

For users currently enrolled in OHSP Training Framework courses

The OHSP Training Framework is comprised of multiple distinct courses available in Blackboard, the following of which have been converted to Blackboard Ultra:

  • Orientation to Conducting Human Subject Research
  • Research Boot Camp
  • Core Training: Study Design
  • Core Training: Principal Investigator Oversight
  • Core Training: Study Operations
  • Core Training: Recruitment & Retention
  • Core Training: Informed Consent

For users enrolled in any of the Training Framework courses listed above:

  • If you have already completed your coursework or do not intend to complete the course, no action is required.
  • If you have not yet completed the course(s) you are currently enrolled in and wish to do so, they will remain available until January 31, 2025. Following January 31, courses will only be accessible via the Ultra version and progress from the ‘old’ version of the course will not transfer to Ultra. Alternately, if you prefer to complete the course in Blackboard Ultra, you can self-enroll in the ‘new’ Ultra version; see additional enrollment information below.
How do I know what OHSP courses I’m enrolled in?

To identify the OHSP courses you are currently enrolled in, log into Blackboard and select ‘Courses’ from the left-hand navigation menu. OHSP courses can be identified by the ‘OSHP’ prefix in the Course ID (e.g., ‘OHSP.InformedConsent’). Courses can also be filtered by searching ‘OHSP’ in the search bar at the top of the screen.

How do I enroll in OHSP’s Blackboard Ultra courses?
  1. Log into Blackboard and select ‘Courses’ from the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Select ‘Course Catalog’ in the upper right corner. Searching ‘OHSP’ in the resulting field will yield all available OHSP courses. All Ultra versions of the courses referenced in this post are denoted by a ‘.2’ suffix in the course ID (e.g., ‘OHSP.InformedConsent.2’).
  3. To enroll in a course, click on the drop-down menu arrow that appears adjacent to the Course ID (the arrow will appear when you hover your mouse over the Course ID).

View more detailed self- enrollment instructions


Contact Kelly Unsworth.