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Quality Improvement Gold Stars

The Office for Human Subject Protection’s Division of Research Quality Improvement (OHSP-QI) awards ‘gold stars’ to University of Rochester study teams conducting high-quality, compliant research, embodying the University’s values. ‘Gold Stars’ are based on work observed during OHSP-QI reviews and consultations.

Learn more about OHSP-QI


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Recent ‘Gold Star’ Achievers

OHSP-QI is recognizing Danielle Ackley, MD and the study team from the Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine Research Program as a ‘Gold Star’ research site.

The study team had a good review, a challenging subject base, attention to regulatory compliance and protocol adherence, and Investigator oversight.


‘Gold Star’ Hall of Fame

OHSP-QI has previously recognized the study teams listed below with ‘gold star’. 

  • Jennifer Marsella, MD, Department of Neurology
  • Shawn Newlands, MD, PhD, Maura Campbell, and Paul Allen, PhD, Department of Otolaryngology
  • Katherine Rizzone, MD and Kevin McCaffery, Department of Orthopaedics
  • Ajay Dhakal, MBBS, Nidhi Eller, and Angela Anderson, Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine
  • Nikesha Gilmore, PhD and Jihane Jean, Department of Surgery, Cancer Control
  • David Adler, MD, MPH, Reanna Stewart, and the URMC Emergency Department Cancer Screening Research Program, Department of Emergency Medicine
  • Dimitrios Michelogiannakis, DDS, and team including Jin Xiao, Luis Mendez Chagoya, Elli Anna Kotsailidi, P.  Emile Rossouw, Atoosa Pahlavani, Abdul Basir Barmak, Sangeeta Gajendra, Dongxia Ye, Matthew Sawaged, and Rita Cacciato, Eastman Institute for Oral Health
  • Karen Voter, MD and Barbara Johnson, RN, Department of Pediatrics, Pulmonology
  • Bridget Young, PhD and Kaili Widrick, Department of Pediatrics, Breastfeeding & Lactation Medicine
  • Tammy Roman, PhD, Department of Surgery, Plastic Surgery
  • Jill Cholette, MD and Eileen Taillie, Department of Pediatrics, Critical Care
  • Julie Riccio, MD, Carl D’Angio, MD, Ronnie Guillet, MD, PhD and Rachel Jones, Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology
  • Caroline Quill, MD, Marcus D’Alfonso, and Amy Rovitelli, Department of Medicine, Pulmonary & Critical Care 
  • TramAnh Phan, MD and Allison Stewart, Department of Medicine, Nephrology 
  • Laura Elenbaas, PhD and Mandi Ackerman, Department of Psychology 
  • Bo Hoo Lee, MD and James Hilbert, Department of Neurology
  • AD-Care Study Team, Department of Psychiatry, including Anton Porsteinsson, MD; Emily Clark, DO; Susan Salem-Spencer, RN, MSN; Russell Kurvach, BS, CCRP; Bridget Holvey, MPH; Audrey Rick, ANP; Melanie Keltz, FNP; Nancy Kowalski, RNC, MS; Kim Martin, RN, BSN; Asa Widman, BS; Esmeralda Morales-Lamarre, MS; and Rebecca Hunt, BS
  • Marc Lande, MD, MPH and team, Department of Pediatrics, Nephrology
  • David Herrmann, MD and Janet Snowden, Department of Neurology 
  • Richard Dunne, MD, and team including Austin Glick, Amber Johnson, Christopher LeFeber, Katie Nedrow, and Monica Patel, Department of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology
  • Jonathan Huang, DO and team, Department of Medicine, Gastroenterology/Hepatology
  • Adam Carinci, MD and team including Tammy Ortiz, Nancy Robertson, and Janet Vaughan, Department of Anesthesiology 
  • David Adler, MD, MPH and team including Kian Merchant-Borna and Sarah Dermady, Department of Emergency Medicine 
  • Stephen Cook, MD, MPH and team including Kristine DiBitetto, Kara Featherstone, Anastasia Martin, Meghan Dahlman, and Alyssa Thatcher, Department of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics 
  • Melissa Sturge-Apple, PhD and BriAnna DiLuigi, Department of Psychology 
  • Heather Adams, PhD, and team including Kristen Bonifacio and Alyssa Thatcher, Department of Neurology 
  • Marc Lande, MD and Erika Little, Department of Pediatrics, Nephrology
  • Hyekyun Rhee, PhD and Annette Grape, PhD, School of Nursing
  • Jin Xiao, DDS, PhD and Rita Cacciato, MS, RDH, Department of Dentistry
  • Lauren O’Donoghue and Nicole Murray, Department of Surgery, Cancer Control 
  • Bogachan Sahin, MD, PhD and team, Department of Neurology 
  • Richard Barbano, MD, PhD and Ashley Owens, CCRC, Department of Neurology
  • Joyces Duckles, PhD and team, Warner School of Education
  • Catherine Cerulli, JD, PhD and the Laboratory of Interpersonal Violence and Victimization,  Department of Psychiatry 
  • Thomas O’Connor, PhD, Marica Winter, PhD, and Lydia Varon, Department of Psychiatry
  • Holly Hindman, MD, MPH and Christine Callan, BFA, LVT, Department of Ophthalmology
  • Loisa Bennetto, PhD, Laura Soskey, and Paul Allen, Department of Psychology
  • Alan Katz, MD, MPH and Christine Huggins, PhD, CCRC, Department of Radiation Oncology
  • Christopher Drinkwater, MD, and Amy Battisti, Department of Orthopaedics
  • Robert Block, MD, Geoffrey Williams, MD, PhD, Amir Abdolahi, PhD, and Avi Dressler, Department of Public Health Sciences
  • Carla Casulo, MD, Michael Brady, PhD, and team, Department of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology
  • Matthew Miller, MD and team, including Paul Allen, PhD, and Mark Merkley, MD, PhD, Department of Otolaryngology
  • Sarah Betstadt, MD, MPH and team, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology 
  • Jill Halterman, MD, MPH and team, Department of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics
  • Anton Porsteinsson, MD and team, Department of Psychiatry