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Flexible Scheduling

This policy applies to: All staff. (Individuals represented by collective bargaining agreements receive benefits in accordance with those agreements.)

I. Policy

The University encourages departments whenever practical to provide flexibility in work schedules for staff members who are unable to work regular full-time or regular part-time hours throughout the year. By providing flexibility in scheduling, the University may be able to retain valued employees and maximize savings. Flexible schedules should be arranged only if it is mutually convenient to do so; in essence, the department and the employee should develop a partnership to ensure that the required work can be completed given the schedule change. In addition, the University encourages departments to review staffing levels and work cycles when vacancies occur to determine the feasibility of reduced appointments (less than twelve months), part-time jobs, or job sharing. In some instances, use of temporary help or a Time-As-Reported (TAR) employee may be the most cost-effective approach to staffing.

II. Guidelines

A. The following flexible schedule options are available:

  1. Reduced appointments (less than twelve-months) may be developed for either incumbents or when a vacancy occurs. The reduced appointment may be initiated by the department or by the staff member, but final approval is at the discretion of the department. If the position is designated as a less-than-twelve month appointment, the staff member would be placed on an administrative leave via temporary layoff status during the time not worked and would be eligible for benefits as outlined in the Layoff and Recall Policy, #354.
    1. The regular appointment can be reduced in one-month increments up to a total of four months during any twelve-month period.
    2. Staff members on reduced appointments may occasionally be asked to work on a TAR basis when extra help is needed within the department during the non-work period. Benefits applicable to a staff member on Temporary Layoff status would continue.
    3. If a staff member is scheduled to receive a pay adjustment during the nonwork period, it would not be effective until the staff member returns to active status
  2. Job-sharing: In the event a staff member is interested in changing from full-time to part-time status, in order to accommodate the request, a department may be able to hire another part-time staff member in a job-share situation. Both staff members would work together with the supervisor in developing work schedules and job duties. Benefit eligibility is determined by hours worked.

B. A reduced appointment or a job-sharing arrangement is a regular appointment, i.e. the arrangement is long-term. If a staff member is interested in a short-term leave (because of a temporary or urgent issue that must be addressed by absence from work for up to one month) departments may want to consider use of the Short-Term Leave of Absence (Reference Policy #357.)

C. Policy #172, Work Schedules, outlines definitions of full-time, part-time and TAR staff. When supervisors need to change the standard work hours of staff members and/or develop alternate work schedules because of changing workload needs, they should meet with their Dean/Director and a representative in the Office of Human Resources. Changes that may result in layoffs must also be discussed with the Office of Human Resources.

Temporary adjustments in schedules or shifts (i.e. leaving early to attend a class for a semester or to address temporary childcare changes) should be agreed upon prior to the schedule change.

III. Procedures

A. When reducing the appointment of an incumbent, the update should be made in myURHR-Workday. Upon return to the employee’s regular appointment, an update should similarly be made in myURHR-Workday at that time.

B. While the staff member is on reduced appointment, they will be billed appropriately for their share of the benefits costs.

C. A staff member who requests a flexible schedule should meet with their supervisor to discuss options. Supervisors should consider the impact on the department, other staff members in same or similar classifications and length of service of staff members requesting flexible scheduling options.

D. When a staff member’s regular standard hours are changed, the change should be initiated in myURHR-Workday.

E. Questions should be addressed to the Office of Human Resources.

Also see: