Unemployment Insurance
This policy applies to: All faculty and staff
Table of Contents
I. Policy
The University of Rochester is a covered employer under the New York State Unemployment Insurance Law. Faculty and staff may be eligible for Unemployment Insurance compensation when their employment at the University is terminated under circumstances which meet the eligibility criteria established by the law and the applicable regulations of the New York State Department of Labor.
The New York State Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Division determines if a claimant qualifies for Unemployment Insurance benefits.
II. Guidelines
A. Information provided by the claimant and the University is considered by the New York State Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Office before that Office determines an individual’s eligibility for unemployment benefits.
B. The University may contest a determination that a claimant is eligible for unemployment benefits if the circumstances of the termination are, in the University’s opinion, disqualifying.
C. Disqualifying Conditions: Generally, voluntary terminations, refusal to accept a reasonable offer of employment or reemployment, unavailability for work, and misconduct may be disqualifying conditions under New York State Unemployment Insurance Law.
- Faculty and staff who work an academic year schedule and who have reasonable assurance of work in the next academic year or term, are not eligible to receive Unemployment Insurance benefits during recess periods (summer, Christmas break, etc.). Also the faculty member is disqualified if he/she has an appointment or reasonable assurance of an appointment elsewhere for the academic term immediately following the expiration of the appointment at the University.
- Persons involved in non-employment relationships with the University (e.g., Postdoctoral Fellows, Graduate Fellows, Graduate Students, Graduate Assistants, Graduate and Undergraduate Students, Research Assistants, Student Assistants) who receive remuneration from the University relative to academic pursuits are generally not viewed as employees for purposes of Unemployment Insurance.
III. Procedure
A. The Office of Human Resources coordinates all matters related to Unemployment Insurance, and provides the University’s responses to all inquiries from Unemployment Insurance Offices. All questions, concerns or Unemployment Insurance forms should be directed immediately to Human Resources. Monetary penalties are imposed on the University when claims are not processed promptly.
B. To assure equitable and efficient processing of Unemployment Insurance claims, each termination form should include a complete, concise, and accurate statement of the reason for an employee’s termination.