I wonder how many alumni had the same reaction that I had upon reading “Forever Friends” in the September-October issue, about two freshmen who turned their random room assignment into a lifelong friendship?
So, a “shout-out” to my randomly assigned freshman roommate, Tim Cook ’66. We also roomed together as sophomores, and remained friends for the rest of our undergrad years. It’s been over half a century since we first met on a September day outside Tiernan Hall and occupied Room 202, but we’ve stayed in touch ever since, meeting most recently this summer.
Richard Sorrell ’66, ’68W (MA)
Red Bank, New Jersey
More to Muchmore
The tribute to Professor William Muchmore (July-August 2017) truly captured his remarkable personality. I, too, took his course in vertebrate zoology. A year or two after taking his course, I asked him to speak to a student group of which I was an officer. He asked what I wanted him to speak about, and I said that he should speak about pseudoarachnids (one of his research specialties).
In reply, Professor Muchmore just looked at me and said, “I didn’t think anyone cared.”
While I don’t recall his talk, I never forgot those words spoken by such a gentle and self-effacing man, free from pretense and self-aggrandizement. He set a fine example for the entire University community.
Harry Melkonian ’71
Vaucluse, Australia
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