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Posts categorized Joel Seligman

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Joel Seligman
November 25, 2014 | 09:29 pm

Statement on the Tragedy in Ferguson

At the University of Rochester we protect the rights of all in our University community to express their views, including their views on the tragedy in Ferguson, Missouri.  Let me…

Joel Seligman
September 17, 2014 | 09:29 pm

Leadership Changes in the Medical Center

Earlier today the Medical Center’s Chief Executive Officer Brad Berk announced that he intends to complete his extraordinary term as CEO on January 1, 2015. I subsequently announced that Mark…

Joel Seligman
September 16, 2014 | 09:29 pm

The State of the University

  Joel Seligman Faculty Senate Speech September 16, 2014 Printable slideshow presentation (.pdf) Printable text of the speech (.pdf) This year we welcome five senior leaders to the Rochester family.  Andrew…

Joel Seligman
August 31, 2014 | 09:29 pm

Welcome Back: Fall 2014

Welcome back!   This will be a memorable year. This academic year we welcome five new leaders to the Rochester family.    Jamal Rossi has taken the helm of the Eastman…

Joel Seligman
July 23, 2014 | 09:29 pm

New Employee Health Plans

I want to share with you some changes to the University’s employee health plans that are being considered for this fall’s open enrollment. These changes are aimed at: Simplifying employees’…

Joel Seligman
April 28, 2014 | 09:29 pm

Message on Free Speech and Civility

Over the course of this academic year, a troubling series of racially-motivated incidents and controversies has occurred on college campuses, including our own. These events have spurred many conversations across…

Joel Seligman
April 8, 2014 | 09:29 pm

The State of the University

Joel Seligman Faculty Senate Speech April 8, 2014 Printable slideshow presentation (.pdf) Printable text of the speech (.pdf) I. A REMARKABLE YEAR Our momentum continues. This is our strongest year in…

Joel Seligman
March 29, 2014 | 09:29 pm

Death of Student Juliette Richard

I am deeply saddened to report that on Saturday morning we learned of the death of Juliette Richard, an undergraduate in the College who resided in Hoeing Hall. Her death…

Joel Seligman
January 13, 2014 | 09:29 pm

Welcome Back: Spring 2014

Welcome back! We enter a new semester with renewed energy and enthusiasm, building on an exciting fall semester. This fall the University announced a $50 million commitment – in addition…