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Message on Hurricane Harvey and Texas Flooding

Our hearts go out to the people of southeast Texas, including our Rochester alumni, who are currently dealing with the traumatic impacts of Hurricane Harvey and widespread flooding. The University has many students, faculty and staff who come from the affected area, so please keep them in your thoughts as they deal with these events from afar. Let me salute the thousands of first responders and citizens who have come to the aid of the many people who need help the most right now, including the many Rochester-area volunteers who have mobilized to offer assistance. And I know that many of you will want to help. Posted below are some of the agencies involved in relief efforts that you may wish to consider: American Red Cross:, or text HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund: Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner established the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund that will accept tax deductible donations. The fund is administered by the Greater Houston Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity. To make a financial donation, visit the GHCF website at Salvation Army:, or call 1.800.SAL ARMY, or text STORM to 51555.