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Online Harassment and Discrimination Training Program

To: All University of Rochester Faculty and Staff

From: Joel Seligman, President and CEO

Beginning March 1, all University employees will receive instructions to complete the online Harassment and Discrimination Training program, which is an important part of our ongoing efforts to create a working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct. This mandatory online training will address discrimination and harassment in the workplace and the ways that employees may recognize it and safely intervene.

All employees must complete the training in MyPath by April 3. The total time to complete the online program is about 30-45 minutes, and it can be completed in multiple sittings.

Hourly employees should complete the training during regular working hours.  Department heads will work to reserve space in computer labs for employees who do not have regular computer access.

Student employees do not need to complete this training. They are required to participate in a different program on this topic administered separately through Blackboard.

Please contact your University Human Resources Business Partner ( with any questions on the training, including computer lab reservations. Questions regarding the University’s policies on this topic can be addressed to Morgan Levy, dTitle IX Coordinator and Manager of University Student Services Coordination, at 275-7814 or

Education and training are essential to creating a working environment that aligns with the highest ideals of our institution. Thank you in advance for your participation.