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Society & Culture
February 1, 2021 | 02:16 pm

Crafting classroom lessons with an anti-racist lens

Working with area school districts and community partners, the Center for Urban Education Success at the Warner School of Education is developing new materials to engage students in learning about issues of equity and social justice.

topics: Center for Urban Education Success, curriclulm, Shaun Nelms, Warner School of Education,
The Arts
February 1, 2021 | 01:43 pm

It’s the ‘Season of Warhol’ at the Memorial Art Gallery

The influential career of celebrated American artist, film director, producer, and publisher Andy Warhol is on full display in “Season of Warhol,” three simultaneous exhibitions at the Memorial Art Gallery through March 28.

topics: humanities, Jonathan Binstock, Memorial Art Gallery,
Science & Technology
February 1, 2021 | 12:05 pm

Study offers new insights into fragile X syndrome

A Medical Center study offers insight into the molecular mechanisms of a disorder that results in developmental disabilities and a pathway to search for potential treatments.

topics: Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, fragile x syndrome, Lynne Maquat, Medical Center, research,
Society & Culture
November 12, 2020 | 11:08 am

Ask the archivist: Was that a US president on the Quad?

Thirty-two US presidents have held office since the University’s founding in 1850. While many have passed through Rochester, only seven future or former presidents actually visited the campuses. Presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden would make eight.

topics: elections, featured-post-side, Rochester Review, University Archives,
University News
October 5, 2020 | 10:18 am

Rochester’s Nobel laureates

With the announcement of his receipt of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Medicine, Harvey Alter ’56, ’60M (MD) is now the 13th Nobel laureate with ties to the University.

topics: Arthur Kornberg, awards, Harvey Alter, Henrick Dam, Masatoshi Koshiba, Nobel Prize, Richard Thaler, Robert Fogel, Steven Chu, Vincent du Vigneaud,
Science & Technology
June 2, 2020 | 01:38 pm

Clinical trial to test hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 patients

The Medical Center is one of only a few dozen sites selected to take part in two national clinical trials to evaluate whether hydroxychloroquine can keep COVID-19 patients alive and out of the hospital.

topics: COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine, Michael Keefer,
The Arts
April 16, 2020 | 01:54 pm

What to stream: Add some Rochester to your queue

You’ll find University of Rochester connections in some of your favorite movies, musicals, and television series, all ready for binge watching.

topics: Eastman School of Music, featured-post-side, film, humanities, Stephen Carr,