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University leaders emphasize value of international academic community

A message from Richard Feldman, University president; Rob Clark, provost and senior vice president for research; and Jane Gatewood, vice provost for global engagement:

Geopolitical tensions have increased the level of stress for many within our community, but we want to emphasize that the world of academic research and learning is enriched by multiple voices, perspectives, and nationalities. This form of engagement with the world is integral to who we are as an institution and is a core part of our long heritage. We want to emphasize that we value all those who make up our diverse university community, regardless of citizenship or nationality. To all who are feeling marginalized or targeted by current national discourse, we want to emphasize that you are welcome here. As we explore the frontiers of innovation and knowledge, we are happy to welcome the world’s best and brightest to the Rochester community. We have done this since shortly after our founding in 1850, and we will continue to do so. It is our pleasure and honor to be the destination institution for nearly 5,000 students and scholars from 140 countries around the world. We continue to deepen our global engagement through the presence of such a diverse student body and research faculty. Indeed, it is how we “Learn, Discover, Heal, Create—and Make the World Ever Better.”

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