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Carillon Concerts Feature Performers from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Great Britain

carillon bellsA summer tradition continues at the University of Rochester as the Hopeman Memorial Carillon Recital Series kicks off Monday, July 9, on the River Campus. Free and open to the public, the series continues over the next three Mondays. Carillon artists from Great Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United States will visit Rochester to play medleys of modern, classical, and American music on the instrument housed in the landmark tower of Rush Rhees Library. Carillonneurs to perform at the University include Trevor Workman, carillonneur for Bournville Village Trust in Birmingham, England, July 9; Janet Tebbel, carillonneur of two carillons in the historic Germantown section of Philadelphia, Pa., July 16; Auke de Boer and Adolph Rots, Groningen Carillon Duo and city carillonneurs at the Hemony carillon of the Martini tower in the Netherlands, July 23; and Koen Cosaert, director of the Royal Carillon School “Jef Denyn” in Belgium, July 30. The University’s carillon is one of just seven carillons in New York State. The bells were a gift of the Hopeman family in memory of Arendt Hopeman, founder of the company that oversaw construction of the River Campus. The carillon began life as a 17-bell chime, installed in 1930, and was replaced in 1973 with a 50-bell carillon, cast in Europe at the Royal Eijsbouts Bell foundry in the Netherlands. Each program will begin at 7 p.m., rain or shine, and last about an hour. Concert-goers are encouraged to bring folding chairs, blankets, or books, and enjoy the sounds of carillon music from the Eastman Quadrangle. Following the concert, attendees will be able to meet each performer on the library steps. The Hopeman Memorial Carillon Summer Recital Series is sponsored by the Department of Music. For more information, call (585) 275-2828. To learn more about the carillon, or to hear the bells online, visit