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Science & Technology
January 2, 2017 | 04:20 pm

New retinal imaging technique gives us closer look at the eye

Researchers at the Rochester Medical Center are the first to be able to make out the individual cells at the back of the eye that are implicated in vision loss in diseases like glaucoma. They hope their revolutionary new technique could prevent vision loss via earlier diagnosis and treatment for these diseases.

topics: Center for Visual Science, David Williams, featured-post, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, research finding,
Science & Technology
December 28, 2016 | 10:36 am

Chemo-brain among women with breast cancer is pervasive, study shows

The largest study to date of memory and cognition problems related to chemotherapy shows that women with breast cancer report substantial issues lasting as long as six months after treatment.

topics: cancer, featured-post-side, Michelle Janelsins, research finding, Wilmot Cancer Institute,
Science & Technology
December 20, 2016 | 03:27 pm

Scientists find new gene tool for predicting course of prostate cancer

Researchers at the University’s Wilmot Cancer Institute and Roswell Park in Buffalo have discovered a possible new tool for predicting whether prostate cancer will reoccur following surgery based on the expression patterns of four genes.

topics: cancer, Department of Biomedical Genetics, genetics, Hucky Land, Medical Center, research finding, Wilmot Cancer Institute,
Science & Technology
December 19, 2016 | 03:29 pm

UR Medicine heart team offers world’s smallest pacemaker

UR Medicine cardiologists are first in region to offer the world’s smallest pacemaker for people with irregular or slow heart rhythms.

topics: David Huang, featured-post-side, Heart and Vascular, Medtronic, Mehmet Aktas, UR Medicine,
Science & Technology
December 16, 2016 | 09:26 am

New prehistoric bird species discovered

A team of Rochester geologists has discovered a new species of bird in the Canadian Arctic. At approximately 90 million years old, the bird fossils are among the oldest avian records found in the northernmost latitude.

topics: climate change, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, environment, evolution, featured-post-side, John Tarduno, Natural Sciences, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
December 12, 2016 | 01:35 pm

Hoque receives World Technology Award

Ehsan Hoque, assistant director for research outreach at the Goergen Institute for Data Science, has been recognized as a leading innovator along with other U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, and other winners this year.

topics: awards, Department of Computer Science, Ehsan Hoque, Goergen Institute for Data Science, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Science & Technology
December 9, 2016 | 08:36 am

Researchers explore regeneration in critical layer of cornea

A team of University researchers is exploring the possibility that stem cells on the outer edges of the cornea, given the right stimulation, can replace damaged cells. The work raises the possibility of restoring vision without the need for cornea transplants.

topics: Amy Kiernan, Center for Visual Science, Department of Ophthalmology, featured-post-side, Flaum Eye Institute, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Jannick Rolland, research funding, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University Research Award, vision,
Science & Technology
December 7, 2016 | 09:35 am

Institute of Optics specialized in devices for night warfare

By the time the United States formally entered World War II, Brian O’Brien and his colleagues at the Institute of Optics had “essentially initiated the whole science of night warfare.”

topics: Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, World War II,