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Dear Class of 2019: A message from the senior class council

From left: Jin Kim, Talia Cohavi, Devan Baijal, Nicholas Foti, John Cole, Julia Fraser, Brandon Reinkensmeyer. Not pictured: Deema Abdo (University of Rochester photo / J. Adam Fenster)

Commencement 2019: This is one in a series of stories marking the 169th Commencement ceremonies of the University of Rochester.

Four years ago, we were welcomed into the University of Rochester community during convocation. It was 2015, and with commencement seemingly a lifetime away, we were unable to predict the friendships and extraordinary experiences that would unfold over the following four years.

Academically, we have taken courses that have fueled our interests and expanded our perspectives of our college and global communities. Professors have guided and challenged us to engage in purposeful learn- ing. We may have faltered, questioned whether or not we would complete our Rochester journey. And yet, here we are, together. We have passed exams and surmounted challenges due to the tremendous effort and undeniable passion that defines a Rochester student.

These unwavering efforts have been exemplified outside of the classroom, too. We have won league titles in athletics. We have delved deeper into extracurriculars that have influenced our peers to think broadly, beyond the boundaries of River Campus. Our passions and determination to succeed have been integral to our self-growth throughout our college journey. We have been molded into student-leaders, activists, scientists, scholars, artists, writers, and more. Our passion has led us to embody Rochester’s core values: learn, discover, heal, and create. This passion has forged relationships that will exist far beyond our time at Rochester. This is the passion, a quality so unique to the Rochester community, that we will carry with us as we transition into the proverbial “real world.”

As we continue our journeys in life, we will cherish the authentic connections and discoveries experienced here. We are so honored to have served on Class Council and be influenced by the diverse perspectives, personalities, and interests of our class. Given all that you have accomplished in your college careers, we have no doubt you will use your Rochester experience to make the world “ever better.” Congratulations on your graduation, Class of 2019. We hope that you fondly remember all the memories formed at our beloved college home beside the Genesee.

The 2019 Class Council