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Ignacio Franco
Assistant professor of chemistry and physics Ignacio Franco. (University photo / J. Adam Fenster)

Ignacio Franco, assistant professor of chemistry and physics, has been selected as a winner of the OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award for fall 2017 by the Division of Computers in Chemistry (COMP) of the American Chemical Society.

Franco was selected in recognition of theoretical and computational efforts by his group aimed at two main goals: bringing theory and experiment closer together in molecular electronics; and developing the capabilities to atomistically understand experiments that simultaneously measure the electric and mechanical properties of single molecules in the context of nanoscale junctions. Developing atomistic understanding through simulations is essential to advance this class of measurements into a highly discriminating multidimensional single-molecule spectroscopy.

The award will enable Franco to present his work at the American Chemical Society national meeting in Washington, D.C., this fall.

Read more about Franco on his lab homepage.