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Audio and music engineering instructor Stephen Roessner (center) with his students in the recording studio in Rettner Hall. (University photo / J. Adam Fenster)

Awards will be presented in 84 different categories at this year’s Grammy Award celebrations. With so many deserving artists and engineers being honored, it can sometimes be hard to see past the “big” awards in categories like Song of the Year or Best Rock Album.

In this episode of the QuadCast podcast, Nick Bruno ’17 interviews Grammy Award-winner Stephen Roessner, a lecturer in Rochester’s audio and music engineering program, and Dan Kannen ’17, one of Roessner’s students. Together they discuss what goes into the selection of the nominees and award winners, how Roessner found out (or didn’t!) that he was nominated for his audio engineering work, and how changes in audio technology and streaming services are changing what people think about award-worthy audio quality.

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