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Campus Life

Students’ Association leaders share excitement for new year

The president and vice president of the Students’ Association on the River Campus and at the Eastman School of Music welcome students for the 2017–18 academic year.

Foster a healthy, respectful College community

Hello, Yellowjackets! The 2017–18 school year is rapidly approaching, and we hope that you’re all as excited as we are to get back to campus and hit the ground running!

First off, we’d like to welcome the Class of 2021 to our University community! Of course, you will learn so much from the brilliant faculty here, and we encourage you to engage deeply with your academic pursuits. But further, we challenge you all to immerse yourself in your activities outside of the classroom. College provides a perfect environment for you to expand your horizons and find out what thoughts and activities you want to engage in, and passions and pursuits outside the classroom will help you expand your worldview and identify passions you may not have discovered otherwise.

This year, our communal principle is respect. We encourage you to respect on your own values and how you can help foster a healthy, respectful community at the UofR. We hope that discussions surrounding the principle of respect will help you develop your own life philosophy. We strive to create an environment where students from many different backgrounds can come together and contribute to larger discussions, but to do that, we need to respect others, even when we disagree. From this, we can all develop a broader perspective and enhance our ability to communicate with one another in a healthy and productive manner.

We are excited to serve as your SA president and vice president. As always, you can send us an email, come visit us in the Ruth Merrill Center in Wilson Commons, come to the Monday night Senate meetings, or schedule a lunch with us at Have a great end of the summer and see you soon!

Jordan Smith ’18
Students’ Association president

Becca Mooney ’18
Students’ Association vice president

Make the most of your opportunities at Eastman

On behalf of the Eastman Students’ Association, we would like to welcome everyone, old and new, to Eastman. We hope your summers have been productive yet refreshing as you embark on another school year. We would also like to take the time to offer a huge congratulation to the Class of 2021.

Eastman is an institution with fantastic professors and exceptional students, and, at Eastman, students come out as hardened, well-rounded, high-level musicians. It is a place to meet other highly talented musicians who become close friends. This camaraderie helps shape a valuable Eastman network that will last long past graduation.

While at Eastman, we encourage students to explore the many opportunities available to students at the River Campus, be they academic, dining, or club activities. Eastman students may also participate in club or varsity sports at the River Campus; to our knowledge, there are currently Eastman students on the varsity swimming and diving, softball, and rowing teams!

We are excited to serve as your Students’ Association to work on new initiatives and advocate on behalf of our fellow students, helping to make your time at Eastman and Rochester ever better. We hope that you will make the most of the opportunities and activities at both campuses.

As always, students can communicate their praises and concerns with the Students’ Association via email, talking to us in person, or by speaking at Students’ Association meetings. If you are interested in joining Students’ Association, there will be elections held during the first semester for SA council positions—we hope many of you will get involved. Enjoy the rest of the summer, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Naoki Toyomura ’17E
Eastman Students’ Association president

Seiji Yamashita ’20E
Eastman Students’ Association vice president

student catching a frisbee; title says ROCHESTER READY
A new year is about to start. Are you ready?