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Posts Tagged Department of Physics and Astronomy

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Voices & Opinion
September 28, 2018 | 02:00 pm

How might we detect possible intelligent life beyond Earth?

“There’s so much to look at, and we’ve done so little of it so far,” Rochester professor of astrophysics Adam Frank told NPR’s All Things Considered.

topics: Adam Frank, Department of Physics and Astronomy, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
September 6, 2018 | 11:57 am

Wave particle duality of light: Resolving quantum ‘weirdness’

For 90 years physicists have known that incompatibly opposite properties are inherent in all elementary particles. Now Rochester researchers say they’ve resolved this weird and inescapable wave-particle duality.

topics: Department of Physics and Astronomy, featured-post-side, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Joseph Eberly, Nick Vamivakas, quantum science, research finding, URnano, Xiaofeng Qian,
Science & Technology
August 6, 2018 | 03:46 pm

An alumnus in space

University of Rochester alumnus Josh Cassada ’00 (PhD) has been named one of nine NASA astronauts making up the first U.S. crew in history to journey to space in American-made, commercial spacecraft. Cassada would be the third Rochester alumnus to go to space, joining Jim Pawelczyk ’82 and Ed Gibson ’59.

topics: alumni, Department of Physics and Astronomy, featured-post,
Science & Technology
July 24, 2018 | 11:28 am

Ultimate vacuum chamber creates nothing

The concept of nothingness is the subject of everything from children’s books to philosophical debate. In the universe, however, is nothing ever possible? How have scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians thought about the concept of nothing throughout history and up to the present?

topics: Alison Peterman, Department of Mathematics, Department of Philosophy, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Materials Science Program, Nicholas Bigelow, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, Steve Gonek,
Science & Technology
June 20, 2018 | 03:38 pm

Laser bursts generate electricity faster than any other method

A University researcher who predicted that laser pulses could generate ultrafast electrical currents in theory now believes he can explain exactly how and why actual experiments to create these currents have succeeded.

topics: Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ignacio Franco, lasers, Materials Science Program, nanotechnology, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, URnano,
Science & Technology
June 12, 2018 | 02:19 pm

Book shines a light on co-evolution of planets and civilizations

In Light of the Stars, astrophysicist Adam Frank poses big questions about alien civilizations, climate change, and what life on other worlds tells us about our own fate.

topics: Adam Frank, book authors, Department of Physics and Astronomy, featured-post-side, planets, research finding,
Science & Technology
June 4, 2018 | 11:27 am

Alien apocalypse: Can any civilization make it through climate change?

Does the universe contain planets with truly sustainable civilizations? Or does every civilization that may have arisen in the cosmos last only a few centuries before it falls to the climate change it triggers? Rochester astrophysicist Adam Frank and his collaborators have developed a mathematical model to illustrate how a technologically advanced population and its planet might develop together, putting climate change in a cosmic context.

topics: Adam Frank, climate change, Department of Physics and Astronomy, featured-post-side, planets, research finding,
University News
May 23, 2018 | 04:21 pm

‘High-risk’ research receives University seed funding

University Research Awards for 2018-19 have been awarded to 15 projects ranging from an analysis of the roles of prisons in the Rochester region, to a new approach to genome editing, to new initiatives for advanced materials for powerful lasers.

topics: Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute, Center for Musculoskeletal Research, Department of Anthropology, Department of Art and Art History, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of English, Department of Neurology, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Psychology, Department of Religion and Classics, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, research funding, School of Arts and Sciences, University Research Award,
Campus Life
April 27, 2018 | 02:40 pm

Six Rochester students receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Four undergraduates and two graduate students have been selected to receive National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships, providing support for US students pursuing graduate degrees in STEM fields.

topics: awards, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Department of Linguistics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Psychology, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, National Science Foundation, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
April 16, 2018 | 11:21 am

We think we’re the first advanced earthlings—but how do we really know?

Imagine if, many millions of years ago, dinosaurs drove cars through cities of mile-high buildings. A preposterous idea, right? In a compelling thought experiment, professor of physics and astronomy Adam Frank and director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Gavin Schmidt wonder how we would truly know if there were a past civilization so advanced that it left little or no trace of its impact on the planet.

topics: Adam Frank, Department of Physics and Astronomy, featured-post-side, planets, School of Arts and Sciences,